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San Gregorio Barbarigo
Via delle Montagne Rocciose, 14 00144 Roma RM Italia
Rito romano
14 sep - 21 sep


sat 14/9: 8:30, 18:30
sun 15/9: 9:30, 11:00, 19:00
mon 16/9 - wed 18/9: 8:30
thu 19/9, fri 20/9: 8:30, 18:30
sat 21/9: 8:30, 18:30

Opening times

sat 14/9: 7:00-12:00, 16:00-19:00
sun 15/9: 7:00-12:00, 16:00-19:45
mon 16/9 - sat 21/9: 7:00-12:00, 16:00-19:00
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