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Église Marie Reine de la Paix
Bouneweg-Süd, Lussemburgo
Rito romano
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Google PlayApp Store
10 fev - 14 ago


seg, ter: 9:00 (French and Luxembourgish)
qua: 9:00 (German)
qui: 18:30 (French)
sex: 9:00 (German)
sáb: 17:00 (Italian), 18:30 (French and Luxembourgish)
dom: 8:00 (Portuguese), 10:00 (French and Luxembourgish), 11:15 (French), 17:00 (Italian), 18:30 (Italian and French)

Adoração Eucarística

ter: 20:15-21:30
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Google PlayApp Store